

Stuffed Crust Whole Wheat Veggie Pizza !!!

I am soooo excited about this !!

Shifting from white flour to whole wheat flour has been one of my biggest fears in this whole unprocessed journey. I finally decided early in the week that I just needed to 'give it a go' ! If I have some failures along the way, no worries ... just 'give it a go' again !! Last night, I put this dough into the bread maker and it worked ! And it's delicious ! And I'll make it over and over again !! I think I like it even better than my white flour pizza dough. And knowing that it's doing our body some good is just a cherry on top !

I hadn't planned on doing a stuffed crust but when I rolled the dough out, it was bigger than the pizza tray so I decided to go for the stuffed ! Probably wouldn't do it all the time because it just adds more cheese but it was good ...

You know how to do stuffed crust right ?
You just spread the cheese around the edges and then fold 'em over ...

Did anyone else notice that I forgot to round the corners on those pictures ? Duh.

Here's how I topped this pizza.
Tomato paste ... garlic flakes ... fresh oregano, parsley and greek basil from our garden.
Onion, thinly sliced
Fresh Spinach, diced like the herbs
Zucchini, thinly sliced
Green (preservative free !!) Olives
Pumpkin, thinly sliced
Mushrooms (except on the kids one)
Pine Nuts and Mozzarella Cheese

It was sooo good.
Just look at it.

You can almost taste it ...

But not quite ...

I think you might need to go make your own !

Here's how you do the dough ... compiled from about four different recipes I found on line to meet my own requirements !

1 & 1/3 cups water
2 Tablespoons honey
2 Tablespoons olive oil
4 cups whole wheat flour
3/4 teaspoon salt
1 & 1/4 teaspoon yeast

Put it all in your breadmaker, I did mine in that order. Turn it on to the 'pizza dough' setting. When it's done, roll it out. It will make two stuffed crust pizzas or 4 thin crust pizzas !

PS ... I forgot I was going to make 'mini pizza' ... oops ! I'm thinking I'll do that soon and pop 'em in the freezer for easy lunch options !

Edited to add ... I cook my pizzas in an oven preheated to 200C/390F - for between 10-20 minutes. Totally depends on how much is on the top ! I just do it til the cheese is a nice golden brown.


  1. My mouth watered so much that I dribbled!! I shall definitely try this one.

  2. Fantastic! Looks every bit as good as that mouth-watering Atomic Ale pizza we had in Richland.

  3. I'm officially hungry! Neither of my breadmakers has a setting for pizza dough. Would a setting called "dough" work just as well?

  4. Jill ... I think that would be fine. The only difference is the length of time, I believe. My pizza setting is 45 minutes, where my dough setting is 1 hour 10 minutes. I wonder if you can adjust the time on your dough setting ... ?

  5. Ok first....WOW on the photos, you're so good with the camera. Then second WOW on the pizza, I feel like I could reach through the screen and eat it....good grief YUM.

  6. WOw, that looks amazing. My hubby and oldest daughter would totally love this!!


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