

Some inspiration for all you awesome cooks out there!

I posted this on my own blog, but it seemed like it should go here too!

I am now the proud owner of, not just a cookbook, but THE cookbook.
Julia's cookbook.
A small, but tasteful, shrine has been erected in my apartment to Mrs. Child.
and to butter.

Making mayonnaise...from scratch.

Garlic Soup

The beginnings of ratatouille. I love all the colors.

Finished ratatouille. Sooooooo yummy!

Chicken, simmering in butter. And garlic. And heaven.
I would be perfectly happy to eat my own shoes if they were prepared this way!

Thanks for joining me on this little food/photo fest.
Now wipe the drool off your face and have a great day!


  1. mmm, love it!! i would eat your shoes too if they were prepared like that!! Looks delightful!!

  2. yum yum yum !! i love the look of this book ... although, i may need to wait til after 2010 to purchase it !

  3. I think it would be a wayyyyy better idea to buy a butter churn than to put off getting this book!


Thanks for saying hello!