

Go Go Gadget Video

I found the brand ... Chef'n Flexicado Avocado Slicer

PS ... those are my children, not train whistles that you hear in the background !


  1. You sure come by your love of gadgets honestly! I had to watch your video twice! What a fun toy!

  2. And here I am ... watching my video again too !! ha ha. I need to make more gadget videos, I think. For gadgets ... they really are better than photos !

  3. AK- we need one!

    Bonnie - Nice bowl :-)

  4. Mom ... you do !! If you click on the link you will see that they are very affordable !

    Pammy ... Thanks ! I set the video up specifically to get the bowl in the shot !! I love that bowl !!

  5. I just so love my Pampered Chef one, I don't think I'd have nearly as much fun playing with this particular toy as you were having on your video....It is clever that it pinches to accomodate every width of avocado, though! Pammy, we just might need to get your future kitchen stock started! On another gadget note, have you seen my toy for grabbing the tops of tomatoes and strawberries out? I never see them for sale so I guard mine zealously. When I was in Washington state a couple of weeks ago, I saw an entire basket full of them for sale! It was almost more than I could do to not buy then all so I would have them for if I ever need another one, or wanted to give one away! Do I need to attend gadgets annonymous, ow what!!!

  6. Yes, I think you do ! We meet on Wednesdays at 7:00pm !

    I have never seen your top grabbing toy !!

    I should have done a video the other night when I was using my prawn deveining (sp??) toy ! Rory bought it for me years ago. I've used it a few times but the other night we had HUMONGOUS king prawns and that thing was a dream ! It took broke the shells off and took the vein out in one (maybe two on some) easy action ! Yeah, I need to do a video of that ! Guess it's a good excuse to go buy some more huge prawns !! I'll probably have to eat them too ... Life is rough living by the ocean !!


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