

Captains Log - 3 January 2010

I've always wanted to write a "captains log" or a "doogie howser" journal ... Does everyone know what I'm talking about or am I showing my age ?

My plan is to write a little bit every night and then post my "captains log" on Sundays. This first one will only have a couple of days. Two, in fact, since tomorrow is Sunday ! I plan to talk about how things are going. Just a little re-cap of each day.

Saturday Night ...

Today went well. One thing I will need to be really careful of is planning ahead for lunches. We went on a bush walk this morning and then needed to stop at the shops on the way home. While we had all eaten breakfast, we were STARVING by the time we finished our 2 hour walk. It all was fine, we just grabbed some fruit at the shops for the car ride and then did Salad Sandwiches once we were home. But ... I could have been much more prepared. It probably doesn't help that we are all still in holiday mode ...

Sunday Afternoon ...

(a simple spinach salad ... spinach, mushrooms, carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes, hard boiled egg and a soy vinaigrette.)

I did the grocery shopping today. Phew. Big job ! I had my book with me and had to check a few products out. I'm bummed that olives are out for the year. Well ... not ALL olives but they will become quite occasional as the ones with no colors are EXPENSIVE ! Not out of the question expensive, just out of the everyday menu expensive ! Bread ... same thing. I need to find a good recipe for making whole meal grain bread in my bread maker. I wonder how it would work if I just added grains to the whole meal recipe I've used before ?

And gum. I can't find any gum or mints that meet our guidelines for the year. We might have to grow fresh mint and chew on that !

A few other things we've decided after today. We need to keep some nuts or dried fruit on us. Probably both. When eating so many veggies as the main part of our diet, when they are digested, we are HUNGRY ! Ravenously ! It's crazy. I barely made it out of the health food store and had to pop some almonds in my mouth before I ate my own arm ! I know our bodies will get used to this new way of eating but at the moment I think we might all be going through a bit of withdrawal symptoms ! It's weird.

Rory goes back to work tomorrow and that may be a bit of a challenge. I pack his lunches and I'll need to make sure he has plenty of food. I'll let you know how it goes. I'm looking forward to our first week of 'normal' ... well, semi-normal, the kids are still home for a few more weeks before school starts up again.

All for this week ... Bon


  1. Yes, I know what a Doogie Howser journal is, and yes, you are dating yourself! lol.
    I am experimenting with my bread maker too. Yesterday, I figured out how to make standard bread (which was so popular that I have to make more today!). This batch I took out a little of the flour and added in some ground flax seed. We'll see how it comes out.

  2. I applaud your efforts, as previously stated, but doggone it, you can't outlaw olives. It's downright unAmerican, or if not unAmerican, it's definitely unSpanish and unItalian, and you're both of those, right?

  3. I know !! I know !! BUT ... It's only for a year and I really really want to see if going off preservatives has any noticeable effect on my body/behavior/moods, etc. If I don't do it 100%, I won't be able to tell. I will probably have a bit fat AMERICAN/SPANISH/ITALIAN feast on my birthday ! Olives ! Salami ! Proscuitto wrapped Asparagus ! Turkish bread !! That'll be lunch ... and then sushi for dinner !!

  4. Hey Bonnie! Good for you for going unprocessed! You are going a bit more indepth than we are, so I'm going to enjoy following your journey. I have been baking whole wheat bread out of the Healthy Bread in Five Minutes a Day book - Yummy artesian bread!


Thanks for saying hello!