

Captains Log - 10 January 2010

Monday 7:42pm ...

Four days in and I'm tired. Don't worry, I'm not giving up, I'm just being honest. We had salad for dinner tonight and I baked some potato chips for a treat. They were wonderful ! We all liked them. Lots. I think in future, I need to try new and interesting salads rather than just throw one together like I did tonight. I mean, it was good. But ... nothing flash. Anyway ... it's a tortilla night tomorrow night and I need to put the tortillas into the bread machine. I'm hoping they work better this time. I'm going to halve the recipe again but this time I'm going to leave out the baking powder. I'll let you know how they go ...

Tuesday 8:00pm ...

Well ... the tortillas were better tonight ! They were no where near as sticky. And I've worked out a good system now. I roll them out onto baking paper to make them easy to get into the frying pan. One day, maybe, I'll look for a tortilla press ! I was thinking tonight, as I was making dinner, when it was 30 minutes past our desired sit down time of 6:30, that I need to give myself much more time to prepare the evening meal !! I'll get that worked out ! Lunches seem to be the biggest issue, though. I haven't started making bread yet so it's really leftovers for lunches but if we don't have leftovers then I'm a bit stuck. Salad won't hold Rory all day. I will set myself the task of figuring out some good lunch options.

Rory just set up the double hammock that he got for Christmas. I'm going to go join him !!

Wednesday 7:31pm ...

Wow ! The hammock is fantastic ! Nothing else really to report today.

Sunday 11:06 pm ...

I'm pretty tired so we'll see how much of this I get written tonight ! I missed a couple of days writing ... LIFE happened and I just didn't have time to write. And then we were out of town Saturday and Sunday so I am up late, cooking something for Rory's lunch tomorrow and writing this log !!

This was our first weekend away since we started this whole unprocessed thing and it was pretty hard. We have said from the beginning that we would eat what we are served when we go to other peoples houses but we still found it hard. We didn't want to just jump back in and eat whatever so we tried to make wise choices over the weekend. We did ok. The hardest part was the kids. One night we didn't let them have ice cream. They survived. And they didn't get to eat most of the candy from the party bags. Again, they survived. They did get to eat out twice though. Pizza. Calamari. Chips. And McDonald's on the way home ... about as preserved as you can get !! I felt sick giving it to them ( and eating some myself ) We had actually planned to eat at home but ended up being delayed way past dinner time ... I'll plan better next time. I'm not beating myself up though. It was one (planned exclusion) day and tomorrow we are right back on the wagon.

I can tell you one thing. I got a TERRIBLE headache after eating the birthday cake. Sugar really does bad things to my head ... especially after I go off it. I won't make that mistake again.

Financially, this week was crazy. I don't know how I spent so much but I did. I went way over budget ... like, almost double what we have allocated for a week. I didn't even realize. I need to do better. I will reign it in. We may just need to eat A LOT more beans !

I can hardly think of what else to write tonight. I think the pasta (whole wheat ...first time trying it !) should be cooled enough that I can pack it up and put it in the fridge for Rory to take to work tomorrow. So ... I'll go do that and then head to bed.

Do any of you have any thoughts ? questions ? ideas ? great blogs I should visit or books I should read ? I'd love to hear 'em if you do ...

'til next time ... Bon


  1. One of the hardest aspects to making changes, ESPECIALLY in terms of of diet/nutrition, is dealing with all the 'what ifs'. I also have been through the shock of how much a healthier diet can cost. It settles out soon, though. Keep it up and, hopefully, this week will go more smoothly!

  2. I have also noticed that fast food makes me feel sick. When I have to eat out, I try to only go to someplace like Subway or some other deli kind of restaurant. Otherwise, that delicious burger leaves me feeling sick, sluggish, and grumpy. Go go veggie power!!


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