

Making Mayo

So ... I spent a looong time trying to make mayo today ! A freaking long time !! I knew mayo was tricky to make but sheesh ... I was ready to throw it all out the window ! I made two batches of "mayonnaise soup" but the third time was some wonderful kind of success !! And I am thrilled ... let me tell you about it ...

Here's the recipe I used :
Crack one egg into your blender. Add 1/4 cup of oil and whizz for just a couple secs. I used peanut oil this time. Then ... very very slowly Mom said it should be like almost dripping into your blender... add the rest of the oil ... with the blender on, of course ! It took ages and I kept having to switch hands ... Anyway, once you're done, you should have beautifully emulsified eggs and oil ! AKA: mayo ! At this stage, I split the batch into three. I folded lemon juice to one. White Balsalmic Vinegar to another. And WBV, lemon juice and garlic to another. I just did it to taste. Maybe a teaspoon or two but I just drizzled it in, mixed it up, tasted ... and so on.


  1. Yeehaa!!!! I'll have to go find your full recipe and give it a shot :D

  2. Yay!! I'm glad you got it going!

  3. A LOVELY bowl of mayonaise! And pat you on the back for your persistence! There is a sweet satisfaction in the completed task of mayo making, talk about simple pleasures!

  4. If you have a stick blender it goes much faster and is much easier. Here is my recipe for mayonnaise.

    Once you start making your own, you never want the store junk again.

  5. YAY for homemade mayo!
    I think food processors also allow for quicker emulsification (therefore adding oil quicker is ok)... I've not broken my mayo using it.

  6. Bonnie! Love this! You need to post videos EVERYDAY!!!

    We've been sick and traveling lots of with Gareth (for work) not much food around here...besides cheese and tomato sandwiches...miss cooking...and posting! we'll be back!!

    ps: i want to eat your mayo!


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