

Strawberry Bread

A couple girls came over last Sunday for an afternoon of baking. We made three different kinds of bread: Strawberry, pumpkin, and cinnamon. They were all YUMMY, but I only have time to type up one of the recipes for here is my favorite! (one of the college guys that came over after sledding to sample our baking proclaimed that the strawberry bread was "stupid good"...I think that is a good thing :-)

(the strawberry bread is the two loaves on the left and the one on the right is pumpkin)

Strawberry Bread
3 cups flour
2 cups sugar
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1 teaspoon salt
2 – 10 oz packages of strawberries, thawed
(either get the sliced kind or I used whole ones and rough chopped them)
1 cup oil
4 eggs, well-beaten

Combine all dry ingredients; mix well. Make a well in the center, pour all liquids into the well and mix by hand with a wooden spoon (probably doesn’t matter what kind of spoon, I just prefer the wooden ones). The batter will seem to thick, but it will be soupier when you add the strawberries. Add strawberries. Grease and flour (I use sugar instead of flour) 2 – 8 by 4 loaf pans. (or a bunch of little loaf pans) Pour batter into pans. Bake at 350 for ~40 minutes. I let it cool in the pan because it's sometimes hard to get out until it is cooled a bit.


  1. And just as a side note...this bread isn't always the most beautiful of breads...but oh my goodness is it GOOD!!!! I fell in love with it the first time my mom made it :-)

  2. This sounds great! Wish I had some strawberries in my freezer...I'd go whip some up.

  3. I've never heard of Strawberry bread, but it looks/sounds delicious ! I'll have to try it ...

    ps. make sure to post the other two recipes too when you've got time Pammy !! They sound wonderful too !!

  4. It is SO YUMMY! And I'll try and get those recipes on here in the near future.

  5. Post the eggnog bread recipe too if you please!!

  6. Having recently made this bread, I have a few things to add to the recipe:

    1. Instead of greasing and flouring the pans, grease and sugar the pans. A little trickier but VERY tasty.

    2. They cook waaaaaaay longer than 40 minutes. I think I did mine for somewhere in the neighborhood of an hour, and I was using the little pans. Tap lightly on the top, if it feels like liquid underneath, they aren't done. An inserted toothpick should come out mostly clean (it might be covered in strawberry, but that's ok).

    3. This recipe makes exactly 5 of the easy foil little pans.

    Hope that helps!


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