

Egg Curry and Chutney

I am re-posting this recipe because it needs to be at the front of the blog again, (and also because I finally got a photo that I'm happy with !)  Have you tried this yet ? You need to !!  Just a little side note, I used wholemeal flour in this tonight and there was no difference to taste !

My Mom sent me her recipes for these when I was first married. I have cooked both of them many times since. They are both passed down long time family favorites !

For the Egg Curry:
1 cup white sauce per person
1 hard boiled egg per person and one for the pot
curry powder to taste (start with 1 teaspoon per cup of white sauce)
garlic powder to taste
a little salt
generous black pepper
generous pinch of cumin per cup of white sauce (adds heat and punch but is optional)

Make white sauce.
Add sliced eggs.
Serve over rice.
May add green peas to rice, if you like peas ...

How to Make White Sauce:
2 tablespoons butter (or oil as I discovered out of necessity last time I made this !)
2 tablespoons flour
1 cup milk

Melt butter (stir in spices if using for curry)
Stir in flour. Stir til all lumps are gone and there is only a smooth past.
Slowly add milk and stir constantly until sauce thickens and then boils. (use med-high heat)

For the Chutney :
1 pound of canned tomatoes and the juice (mush them up with your fingers so there are various sizes)
1 cup of sugar
1/2 clove of garlic, peeled and sliced
1/4 tsp powdered ginger or 10 thin slices fresh ginger
1 tsp whole cloves
1 cinnamon stick
generous 3/4 cup vinegar
as many raisins as you like (this recipe would call for 1/5 of a pound)

Throw everything into a pan except the raisins and cook for about 1.5 hours, or til it's dark brown and looks like chutney (not too runny) Turn of the fire and thrown in the raisins. Let cool in the pan so the raisins plump up.

You can freeze this chutney.
You can also keep it in your fridge from now til kingdom come.
But ... it won't last that long ... it's too yummy !


  1. speaking as a member of your family...this is quite possibly my least favorite meal of all time.
    However, the chutney is yummy. I always loved chutney-making day 'cause mom would make a gallon and freeze most of it. but the whole house smelled like spiced and wonderfulness all day/week!

  2. If you would throw some tomatoes in your chutney it would be a whole lot more like my recipe! Mom

  3. Thanks for alerting me to that little typo Mom !! I've added the tomatoes now !!

  4. I'm gonna have to ditto Jill's comment. Egg curry is one of the only types of curry I've found I hate!

  5. Hate to disagree with my nieces, but I love egg curry. Chutney, too. De gustibus....


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