


What you will need:
Uncut strips of pasta made according to
these directions
(For tips on how to made the pasta without
a pasta maker, see the video at the end)

Mix together cottage cheese
parmesan cheese
one egg
pepper and italian seasoning

Cut pasta strips into sections
add filling
roll and seal with a little water

Place in lightly greased glass baking receptacle
Cover with spaghetti sauce of your choice
Cover THAT with mozzarella cheese
and a wee bit more parmesan.

Bake at 375 F
for 30 minutes.
Or until cheese is brown and bubbly
and you're dying of hunger!

Let rest a few minutes
or risk burning your tongue
most severely.

Serve with garlic bread


  1. Oh my goodness Jill !! Your video at the end had me cracking up and wishing I could make pasta with you !!

  2. Ps ... love that you've made the garlic bread already !!

  3. Well done on the homemade pasta without the maker! And it looks and sounds like it was absolutely delicious!

  4. looks delicious!! will have to try this once i gather enough energy!!


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