

Thai Apple Salad


I recently read an article about apples.
I found this recipe in that article ... I modified it to look like this.

The Salad:
50 g (about 2 oz) raw cashews
2 spring onions, finely chopped
150 g (5 oz) sugar snap peas, ends trimmed
1 cup rocket (arugula) - I used a bit more than this ... I like rocket !!
5 wombok (Chinese cabbage) leaves, chopped into thin strips
½ cup fresh coriander leaves ... I used way more than this but you may do it to taste.
2Fuji apples, thinly sliced
1 Granny Smith apple, thinly sliced
1 Pink Lady apple, thinly sliced

The Dressing:
1½ tablespoons sesame oil
2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar
1 tablespoon soy sauce
2.5 cm (1 inch) piece fresh ginger, grated

  • Whisk together the dressing ingredients in a bowl and set aside.
  • Toast cashews over med. heat. Make sure to watch and shake or they will burn !!
  • Combine Salad ingredients.
  • Top with dressing and cashews.

EASY PEASY and soooooo tasty !
Not to mention totally good for you ...

PS ... I've made this twice and both times I've served it with fish.
A white fish cooked in garlic.


  1. Yum, and except for the arugula, I think I have all the ingredients! Thanks...(and by the way, I'm so enjoying this food blog)

  2. Wow! Sounds tasty. Lots of apples! I'm going to make this one too. Love arugula also.

  3. OK, so I am not fond of rocket, think that sugar snap pea pods taste like bleach smells, am not always so keen on fruit in veggie salads, and if coriander is cilantro as I way! BUT I just read an article on how helpful apples are in helping control bad cholesterol and I'm all for that in my life these days! So, I'll try spinach, snow peas, and leave out the unmentionalble leaves and give it a try. I'll keep you posted! (haha, bad pun!)BTW, nice bowl!

  4. mom !! how can you not be fond of rocket !?! have you tried baby rocket ?? i would use baby spinach instead of the rocket ... you need some dark green in it !! as for the sugar snap peas ... maybe you should pick the peas out of the pods ... or you could substitute snow peas ... do their pods taste better to you ?? I'm not always keen on fruit in salad veggie salads either. you may want to half the number of apples in this the first time you try it ... it's quite appley !! make sure you get good crispy apples !! as for the cilantro (as you suspected) it's just plain wrong !!! how can you not like cilantro ?? :)

    ps ... i thought you might notice the bowl !!


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