

Menu Plan Monday - Bonnie - 14 September 2009

Menu Plan Monday is hosted by Laura at I'm an Organizing Junkie.

I had less than $100 left in the grocery budget for this week ... That is less than half of what we budget. We budget $220 a week. That is for toiletries and food ... I find it hard to stick to but am trying my darndest. Truth be told, I'd like to come in under the $200 a week mark. Way under. But it seems like an unrealistic goal. I buy VERY LITTLE PROCESSED food so can't really cut much out there. Crackers, I buy two or three boxes of them a week but that's about it. We eat very little meat. This week I bought $7 worth of chicken, and $10 worth of sausages that I separated up into 3 meal portions and froze. The bulk of our bill is fresh fruit and veg. ANYWAY ... I went to the grocery store yesterday and spent only $89.57. I was thrilled !! That is only for 4 days ... But it gets us through this week. And next week I'm going to aim to come in under $200 ... We will see. Any of you care to share your budget struggles ? or non struggles ? Do you have a budget ? Do you stick to it ? Thoughts, people ... I'd love to know your thoughts !

Onto the menu ...
( I had to forgo the fish tacos due to budget restrictions
and Aunt Jo's chicken will be tried soon, but not this week as I originally thought ! )

Lasagna from freezer stash !!

BBQ with Mum and Dad (hence the sausage purchase!)

Teriyaki Chicken
(this was a new recipe ... delicious and easy ... I'll post the recipe soon !)
Roasted Cauliflower and Broccoli

Spaghetti Aliolio
Black Olive Salad

I'm trying another Closet Cooking recipe.
I love his blog ! Have you been there ? No ?? Oh man, you need to go check it out !!!
Corn and Black Bean Quinoa Salad
Sausages for the kids and Rory who will revolt if I just serve this by itself.
Roasted Cauliflower and Broccoli
(Yes, again ! We love this stuff ! )

Tortilla Espanola
and I'll rummage around and make something with the veggies that are left ...
or maybe leftovers on the side ...


  1. So many of the menu plan Monday bloggers are on such crazy budgets! I read that there are people serving families of 4, 6, more on 60$ a week or even less, and I just can't figure out how they do it! I'm glad to see I'm not the only one that spends around 200$ a week and can't figure out how to shave any more off that.

    Your olive salad sounds delicious too!

  2. Our budget is $200 a week, and like you, we buy very little processed foods, and no meat. (well, pepperoni for the other two's pizzas)
    The fresh fruits and vegetables are so expensive, but so worth it. The prices are slightly higher here than in the lower 48. oh, and buying organic non-conventional items/brands is more expensive. I just can't skimp on good wholesome food. I know I am getting the best for my family. So I'm o.k. with our budget. It would be nice to shave some off of it, but there really isn't anything that I can do.


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