

Jill's Fish Tacos

It's only fair to warn you that this is an original recipe and all the amounts are my best guesstimate. I hardly ever measure anything unless I'm baking. But I trust that everyone reading this recipe is already a competent cook and will forgive me!

Although the idea of fish in a taco is weird, stay with me, these are amazing blow-your-hair-back yummy!


Fish – I used Dover Sole, but any mild flaky white fish will work

Corn Tortillas

¼ cup flour

½ tsp baking powder

Pinch salt

½ tsp chili powder


Flour for dredging

Oil for frying


¼ cup lime juice

1 T water

Pinch salt

1 tsp sugar

1 tsp chili powder

For the sauce:

½ cup mayonnaise (real mayo, no miracle whip of nastiness)

¼ cup half and half or cream

1 clove garlic*

1-2 Serrano chilies, seeded

Salt and pepper to taste

Cilantro Lime Rice:

1 cup short grain rice

1½ cups water

1-2 T fresh cilantro, chopped fine

2-3 T Lime juice


Step 1:

Cook rice and water on high until it begins to boil, then turn it down to low heat and cook for 20 minutes or until water is absorbed and rice is tender. Add cilantro, lime juice, and salt.

Step 2:

Cut fish into taco-sized pieces, about 1 ½” x 2 ½” (thin pieces work best). Mix marinade ingredients and add the fish pieces. Let stand.

Step 3:

Put all the sauce ingredients into a blender and blend until smooth. If desired, you can add some parsley or cilantro to the sauce. Put in fridge.

Step 4:

In shallow bowl, mix flour, baking powder, salt, and chili powder. Add water until a thick batter forms.

If you have a deep fryer, skip to step 6.

Step 5:

Heat about 2” of oil in a skillet. Put on a jacket.

Step 6:

Dredge the fish pieces in flour, coat liberally with batter and deep fry until golden. (It is okay if your fish does not get completely opaque, if your pieces are thin enough, the lime juice will have already cooked them) Drain on a paper towel.

Step 7:

In a dry skillet or griddle, heat tortillas for about 30 each side. The tortillas MUST be heated or they will crumble in a most untoward fashion.

Step 8:

Lay fish on a bed of the rice on a tortilla, top with sauce. Try not to gobble.

* usually when recipes say 1 clove garlic I put in 3-7, but in this case, I really really mean ONE clove.


  1. We should go somewhere and taste fish about a football game? No such thing? Au contraire! And how about throw in a Broncos win as well? Impossible? Bite your tongue! Seriously, these tacos look very much like the ones we had, great inspiration! And, do make sure you only bite these amazing tacos, not your tongue!

  2. Sounds like there is a story behind this comment Mom !! I'm going to have to try these ...

    Thanks Jill !!


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