

I love gadgets ...

My mother in law gave me these cute little soy sauce holders years ago. They are perfect for sending with sushi lunches. However ... I've always had difficultly getting the soy sauce into them. When I was last in the States, I found a tiny little funnel at The Container Store. I bought it, brought it home, unpacked it and haven't seen it since. I think it must have gotten thrown away by accident. It was really tiny.


Anyway ... one morning, after pouring soy sauce all over my counter yet again, I had a flash of brilliance !! You know those little syringes that come with kids medicine ? Well ... I've got a bunch of them and they are perfect !! You just suck the soy sauce up into the syringe ...


and then squeeze it down into the bottle !!


Works wonders and now, these are not only handy, they are easy too ...



Thanks for saying hello!