

Cold Soba Noodles


75g sesame seeds
250g soba noodles (in this instance I used somen instead)
2 tsp rice vinegar
5 tsp soy sauce
2 tsp honey
2 tsp sesame oil
5 spring onions (green onions)

The original recipe said to toast the sesame seeds til golden, and set aside. I never bother. I just use them un-toasted. (or sometimes I used the already toasted ones)

Bring a large pot of water to the boil. Add soba noodles. Cook according to packet instructions. (til tender but not mushy) Have a bowl of iced water ready to put them into after draining. (so ... drain them and then put them in the iced water !)

In the serving bowl you will use, mix vinegar, soy sauce, honey and sesame oil. Finely slice spring onions, add to vinegar mixture. Drain noodles. Add them to vinegar mixture. Mix thoroughly. Add sesame seeds and mix again.

Leave for about half an hour to let flavours develop .. although this is not absolutely necessary.

Serves 4 as part of a meal ... or 2 when eaten on their own.

That's it ! Easy and really yummy !!!

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