

{bonnie's black bean chili soup photos}

have you all tried my sister ellie's black bean chili soup ?
i had never made it before the other night
i had eaten it
cooked by ellie while we were in denver
but never cooked it myself

i decided to double the recipe so i'd have leftovers to freeze
and i'm glad because it was freakin' delicious !!!


here's the onion, red/green/yellow capsicum (bell peppers) all chopped up


and now with the garlic

oh man, my mouth is watering ...
good thing i'm having leftovers for lunch !

i didn't serve this on rice
just as is, with corn chips
and topped with avocado, homemade greek yogurt
and grated cheddar cheese

go get the recipe ... it's on this blog already ... and try it

try it ! try it !
and you may.
try it and you may, i say ...

like it that is
green eggs and ham ... if you haven't read it, you need to.


  1. At our house we call this dish THE Chili......need I say more? Did you indeed freeze some? Let me know how it thaws and does the second time!

  2. i am going to freeze it this morning ... it is currently in the big pot in my fridge ... i have it on good (ellie) authority that it freezes and re-heats well !! but ... i'll let you know !! :)

    THE chili ... I like it !

  3. This chili is also VERY good made for 200 high schoolers...Ellie said it was good for crowds and boy was she right! (I've actually never made this recipe for less than 60 people!) It was a HUGE hit!! And I reheated the leftovers in the oven (cause I didn't have a microwave big enough to fit a HUGE pan!) and served it with AK's mac 'n cheese. Also a success :-)...I like eat it with sour cream, shredded cheese, black olives, avocado, and corn chips of some kind.

  4. This chili is also VERY good made for 200 high schoolers...Ellie said it was good for crowds and boy was she right! (I've actually never made this recipe for less than 60 people!) It was a HUGE hit!! And I reheated the leftovers in the oven (cause I didn't have a microwave big enough to fit a HUGE pan!) and served it with AK's mac 'n cheese. Also a success :-)...I like eat it with sour cream, shredded cheese, black olives, avocado, and corn chips of some kind.

  5. (in other news...not sure why it posted my comment twice...)

  6. LOVE this soup/chili! It's one of my faves and I've made it several times! Let me know how well it holds up in the freezer. It may be one I put away for after the baby comes!


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