

Menu Plan Monday - Bonnie - 30 March 2009

Menu Plan Monday is hosted by I'm an Organizing Junkie.

I can't believe I have missed out on two weeks of Menu Plan Monday !! I didn't plan any sort of menu two weeks ago then last week, I planned it but never got it posted !! So ... here I am, two weeks later ... WITH A PLAN and A POST !!

I went to the library last week and except for tonight, I'm going to cook a new recipe out of one of each of the books I got .... Well ... at least six of the books ... I got more than six though so not really one of EACH !!

Monday :
An easy on because I'm shopping today ...
Falafel Wraps

Tuesday :
Warm Chicken and Lemon Couscous Salad

from The Marie Claire Cookbook Flavors by Donna Hay

Wednesday :

12 Layer Garden Salad
from the Low-Carb Vegetarian Cooking Cookbook by Sue Spitler

Thursday :

Steamed Fish with Chilli and Lime

from Authentic Tastes of Southeast Asia by Celine Carnegie

Friday :

Beef Brochettes
Black Bean Open Sandwiches
Salsa Mexicana

from the Fresh Mexican Cookbook by Monica Medina-Mora and Angeles Ayala

Saturday :
I'll have the kids help me make ...
Pastry Wrapped Chorizo Puffs
and a green salad ....

from the Mediterranean Food and Cooking Cookbook by Jacqueline Clarke

Sunday :


I'll also be making :

Chewy Muesli Bars

from the Reader's Digest Beat High Blood Pressure Cookbook

Wow ... that menu looks great.
I'm excited.
I need to get myself organized now to go do the shopping !!
See you through the week.
I've got some great recipes that I cooked last week coming your way !!

Did you cook anything new last week ?
Do share ....


  1. I'll have to look into the high blood pressure cookbook.

  2. If this comment ends up showing twice, just delete one of them, I don't know what lala land I sent my first one to! Your menus look yummy, I may have to drop in for dinner! How are you going to steam the fish? I did, in fact, try a new, easy, yummy recipe just last evening. I posted it to the blog, in the Italian section...check it out!

  3. Sounds good! I took a couple weeks off of planning too...bad things happen when I do that though, so I probably won't do that again for a while! Have a great week!


Thanks for saying hello!