

Pimientos de Padron - aka "Dancing Peppers"

Ok ... here we go.

Recipe number one for Spain ... a month late but too bad ... I should get through all of them before the end of Feb. Don't worry, I'll be doing Indian as well ... I'm cooking the first one on Sunday !

So ... here's what you need for this simple and delectable dish.

Olive oil
Little Peppers (see photo !)
Coarse salt - I used Himalayan Rock Salt


1. Heat oil in large skillet over high heat until very hot.
2. Add whole peppers (I chopped the stems off) and fry until browned on all sides.
3. Remove from skillet; drain on paper towels.
4. Sprinkle with salt.
5. Serve.
6. Try not to eat the whole plate without sharing ! I dare you !!


Have you got a great Spanish recipe you'd like to share ??
Post it to your blog and then come back and leave us a comment - we'll stop by and check it out !

Or if you'd prefer to share Indian ... we've got a Mr. Linky up for the month of Feb !!


  1. I recently learned that "Pimentos do Padron" is a type of pepper, not a method of preparation as I had thought. So technically we aren't fixing that when we blacken our tiny peppers. They are padron peppers harvested when they are about an inch long, when they are still sweet. As they grow and mature, they become quite hot! So now I want to try to grow these kind of peppers in my garden!!! And, who knew that my silly nickname of "dancing peppers" so named for the way they bounce around in the pan as they cook (Did yours dance with the tops cut off?)is good to use if you can't find real padron peppers?!? Dissertation aside, these are maybe the yummiest vegetables to ever leave my kitchen and grace my table for the split second they are there before being absolutely gobbled up! And,FYI, they are equally delicious eaten at room temperature so can be made ahead..if you can resist eating them all yourself before you have a chance to serve them! Also, don't be afraid to let them get even darker brown....the crusty brown skin is yummy, too!

  2. Good to know Mom !!

    Yep, they still dance around with the tops cut off ... but I don't know how much compared to yours. I didn't actually cook them at your place ... James did ! :)

    I try to get them darker brown ... they just haven't gone that way ! They are yum yum though even this lighter way ...


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