

Foods of The World - February 2009

For the month of February, we're going to bring India to our kitchens and tables and share what we discover with anyone who dares come see !! If you are not a Beans Blog author but want to participate, just post the recipe to your blog, link back to the Beans Blog (you can even use the banner above if you like) and leave us a comment to let us know you've done a post. We'll come visit and maybe even try out your recipe !!

I'm going to try and cook one Indian recipe a week. My husband will be thrilled !!

I'm going to be posting some Spanish recipes throughout the month too. I've been waiting on the recipes and they have arrived from Colorado via email this week !! (Thanks Peej !!)

Can't wait to see what you all come up with !!!

PS ... that's me and my Mom in the photo ... the year was 96 ? or was it 97 ? Can't remember and can't be bothered to try and work it out. Let's just say circa 96. We are in India ... dressed in authentic Indian garb ... eating authentic Indian food ... and having a ball !!

Edited to add ...

I've finally figured out how to add a Mr. Linky !!! Hooray !!

So ... I am going to leave this post at the top of the blog for the month of February ... and anyone who wants to participate can use the Mr. Linky !

I'm so excited about the Mr. Linky ! I just want to go add Mr. Linky's all over the place !!

I can't stop saying Mr. Linky.

ha ha

EDITED AGAIN on 22 Feb ... I can only have one Mr. Linky running at a time. And since I have a weekly meme running on my Simple Beauty blog, I'm going to have to figure out how to run both ! So for the remainder of the month, lets just leave our links in the comments !! And sorry to those of you who left links in the Mr. Linky already ... I've blown them away and don't know how to get them back !! Sheesh !!

PS ... I'm excited about next month's country. I'll be revealing it soon ! We've only got just over a week left for India ... I'll be posting an Indian recipe this evening and I am planning on cooking another dish this week so will post that too. How about the rest of you ... any Indian inspiration that you want to share ?

PPS ... I just found the links so I'm going to add them here manually ...

Trina@Frugal Dr. Mom ~ Pineapple Chutney
Mary Terese ~ What every curry needs !
Chick In The Kitchen ~ Vegetable Jalfrezi


  1. Am looking forward to trying some of your recipes. I am now suddenly interested again in blogging and in looking through my favourite Indain tastes. Will search and see!
    I haven't worked out Mr. Linky yt. What is URL??????? Tessastake!

  2. Can't wait to see what recipes you post!!!!

  3. I only have a couple of Indian recipes on my blog, and neither are very authentic at all. I'll need to type up some more to share soon. I have:
    to share though. x


Thanks for saying hello!