

Menu Plan Monday

This is my first time planning for the week, much less posting it, so thanks for not mentioning the fact that it's now Wednesday.

Monday-Burritos at a friend's (with this awesome guacamole...)
Tuesday- Thai chicken soup
Wednesday- we eat at church, it'll be a surprise
Thursday- Chicken fried steak (a girl from church is coming to our house and teaching us how.)
Friday- Steak with olives (I'm excited about this new recipe. If it's good, I'll post it.)
Saturday- Cabbage Chicken Salad (with leftover steak instead of chicken)
Sunday- Green enchiladas at another friends.

It's a big week for eating with other people. Should be fun.


  1. I love that you posted did a menu and posted it. I was laughing when you said, thanks for not mentioning that it was Wednesday ... and then I looked and the day on the top of the post is Thursday ! I laughed even harder. Gotta love this blog being posted in Australian time !! ha ha Ok ... enough of my laughing at your expense !

    Looks like a great menu !!

  2. oh yum! I might have to watch these menus more...winter is coming and I always get stumped as to what to make for din din.... ahh the pizza comes in paper:) and no I wish I could draw good enough to create that cartoon, but no I found that online;)


Thanks for saying hello!