

World Foods - Potluck

Belgian Waffles:
Aunt Kathy got a new toy...a WONDERFUL flippy Belgian waffle maker. We decided that it must be tried out immediately! When we tried to find a recipe, we discovered that there are a wide range of recipes for this particular food. We were a bit overwhelmed at first, but our need for waffles helped us overcome our confusion! We thought we'd share the recipe we it was SOO YUMMY!!
2 cups flour (we used un-enriched flour)
2 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
4 large eggs (separated)
2 Tablespoons sugar
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
4 Tablespoons butter, melted
1 1/2 cups milk (we used whole cause that's what we keep in the house)
1/2 cup sparkling water (we ended up using sparkling water that had a hint of lemon flavor and it turned out fine...gave the milk a slight buttermilky flavor)
non-sick cooking spray
Preheat waffle iron according to manufacturer's instructions (we found that halfway between medium and high produced the done-ness that we liked).
In a medium bowl, mix together (I think I used a fork) flour, baking powder, and salt. Set aside.
In a second bowl, use a wooden spoon to beat together egg yolks and sugar until sugar is completely dissolved and the eggs have turned a pale yellow. Add the vanilla extract, melted butter, milk and sparkling water. Whisk to combine. Combine the egg-milk mixture with the flour mixture and whisk just until blended. Do not over mix.
In a third bowl, beat the egg whites with an electric mixer until soft peaks form (about 1 minute). Using a rubber spatula, gently fold the egg whites into the waffle batter. Do not overmix!!!
On to the cooking!!
Here's Pam coating the waffle iron with pam. :-) Pour enough batter to just cover the waffle grid. Close and cook.

Our nifty new toy is the flippy kind...

Look at that YUMMY waffle!!

We topped our waffles with our homemade plumb preserves and plenty of whipped cream. It was a huge success!


  1. These waffles look sooo good! I love the photo of my Dad eating them! We will definitely have to make these when I come. My kids will love that machine !!!

    Yum Yum Yum Yum Yum.

  2. I am so jealous that you have a belgian waffle maker..
    And, if I do say so... it's about time you got rid of the old square one... you did get rid of it, right??
    I'm excited to have waffles in Dec.
    (Dec 1-8, I don't think I told you that yet, Bon)

  3. I think the square one still lives Ellie. :-) We're gonna definitely have to make waffles several times while ya'll are here :-) I can't wait!! Only 28 days till Bonnie gets here and 34 days till Ellie gets here...not that I'm counting or anything!!

  4. WHAT?!?!? Throw away a kitchen toy?!?!? Can't be done! Besides, I discovered that the flip side of the waffle shaped plates are perfect for pressing panini sandwiches, so I actually use it more now than I did as a waffle maker! (Bonnie, what are those pressed sandwiches called in Australian? And what did you put on those yummy ones I ate with you way back when?)

  5. Mum and I are sitting here wondering why you need a flippy waffle maker ... I mean, what does it do when it flips them ?? She's thinking a waffle maker might be a good purchase and I was telling her about this one, so we came to look and then came up with this question ...

  6. I am not sure that there is any advantage to a flippy one, unless it does something inside of itself and cooks only one side at a time with each flip or something like that. It is just so fun! The giant difference in my 2 waffle makers is the sizes of the grids. The old one makes the denser waffles with lots of indentations. The new one makes Belgian waffles that are lighter, fluffier ones but with fewer places to put the butter and syrup. I think the flippy one might also open slightly as the waffles rise, the old one weights a's not openin' nowhere nohow! So I guess the maker might depend on what kind of waffles you want to make. Do remember, however, that the flippy one is ever so FUN!!!!! (Oh did I already mention that?!)


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