

Wonton Soup


I made this for dinner last night because I had almost everything to make it. I thought it was only OK but will make it again for sure. I didn't have bok choy so I used spinach. I think it will be much better next time when I use the bok choy. I used a chicken stock powder. Next time I will use a nice chicken stock that I will make myself. I didn't add noodles. Next time I will.

I got the recipe here ...

Here's how I will make mine next time :

Make gyoza following this recipe, but don't cook them.

I'm going to cut and paste the next bit from the recipe listed above ....

"In a large stockpot, add all but 2 cups of the broth and bring to a boil. The 2 cups of reserved broth should be room temperature or just slightly chilled. Turn the heat to medium-high and add the wontons. Bring pot back to a gentle boil.

When it reaches a boil, add 1 cup of the reserved broth. Bring back to a boil and again, add the remaining 1 cup of reserved broth.

Keep the heat on the pot on (you still need to cook the noodles and bok choy) while using a spider or sieve to scoop up the wontons and distribute amongst the bowls. Cook the noodles in the pot according to the package instructions. Add the bok choy to the pot during last minute of cooking noodles and let simmer, until cooked through. Ladle broth, noodles and bok choy to bowls. Serve with chili garlic sauce if desired."

Make sure you use a good chicken stock or your soup will be very bland. Like last night, the soup just tasted like boiled water !! Grace told me today how to make a good asian chicken stock. I'm going to try it next time. Just use garlic, leek and a small whole skinnless chicken. Boil for an hour and a half. That's it. She said if you want the stock to be sweeter, add some onion too.

1 comment:

  1. mmmm!! You make these look easy - loved your video tutorial by the way. I've always been intimidated with this kind of food but I really want to try these.


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