

A new series ...

Does anyone else get tired of putting the same old things in their kid's lunch boxes ?? I'm so on the lookout for new things to give the kids ... homemade things that travel/keep well !!

I've been thinking for a while that I'd like to post a series of lunch box ideas ... would you like to join me ?? Go ahead, grab the "what's for lunch...?" above, post to your blog and then link back here, or post right here if you are an author ! I'd love to see what you put in your kid's lunch boxes ! Or your husband's lunch box .... or your own lunch box ... or your neighbor's lunch box ... I'm not really picky about who the lunch box is for ... I just want to see what is in it !!


Here's a different sandwich idea that my kids love. I don't often keep cream cheese in the house, but when I do have it, they love this simple, refreshing sandwich. Cream cheese and sliced cucumber. Try it, you'll like it !!

Ps ... how do you like the lunch box drawing ?? Yep ... it was me ! Hidden talents, I tell ya !!


  1. Great idea! I'll snap a few shots of our lunches this week - I have pretty anti-sandwich kids. Ugg...they get that from my husband!!

  2. Hi Mary,
    I went to have a look at your blog but was unable to get to it ... next time you come back, will you leave me your blog address so I can stop by and say hello ? Thanks ! Bonnie

    PS ... can't wait to see what you put in your lunches !

  3. I put cream cheese and cucumbers on our bagels the other day... love it.

  4. Oooh, I can't wait for some new lunchbox ideas! It seems I pack the same ol' things over and over again for Nadia...and she usually comes back home with most of it still there! She eats like a horse at home, but like a bird at school.

  5. I'm out of the kids' lunchbox mode now but I remember making tuna salad and egg salad on the same day so I could make whoever didn't like one, the other kind on "salad sandwich" days. But that's not my point...often there was not enough of either to make the last sandwich, so I'd stir them together and have an extra creamy tuna-egg salad sandwich for my lunch....I loved it....maybe the kids will too!

  6. Mom ... I didn't know you did that ! The thought of it makes my stomach turn ... ha ha ! But, maybe I should try it Sam I am !

  7. PS ... I have not done egg salad or tuna for my kids in their school lunches as they would be rancid by lunch time. Life in a tropical paradise !! :)

  8. That's because you were the egg salad hater, right? And Ellie was the tuna salad hater, yes? Hence, on salad days I made both, to try to have smiling full children at the end of the lunch period! Is there peer pressure to have "in" lunches nowadays, or can anything portable go in lunchboxes and no one is embarrassed to eat it? (and what is the current vernacular for "in"?)

  9. Cream cheese lives longer than mayonaise?

  10. Nope ... I loved them both but tuna was my preference !

    Maybe my kids have not reached the 'embarrassing' lunch stage because so far, I put anything and everything in it. Sandwiches, sushi, pasta, salad, leftovers. They have it all ... as long as I'm convinced it won't go 'off' by lunch time !!

  11. True enough Mom, maybe I should try egg salad ... with a freezer block, might be ok.

  12. So I guess it was your brother who thought egg salad was poison! (to those of you not in the family-"poison" was the answer I routinely gave to a child who asked what was to eat and I knew I had prepared something that child didn't like! I often tried to diffuse displeasure with outrageous statements, a laugh was better than an argument!)

    Ah, the tropics! If cream cheese stays good with a freezer block in the lunchbox, the salad sancwiches should too......

  13. I get bored putting the same thing into school lunches so I'm sure my boys get bored eating them.

    I don't always do a sandwich. Sometimes a ziplock bag with cold leftover pasta, tortellini, steamed veggies - whatever is in the fridge that is somewhat "fingerfood". (My kids eat plain spaghetti with fingers)
    When I make banana bread or zuchinni bread I will slice it up and freeze it with peices of wax paper in between the slices so it doesn't freeze together then I will stick a slice in their lunch. By the time they eat it it's thawed and ready to go. I also do that with muffins.
    I've been wanting to get a thermos to use for hot lunch items.


Thanks for saying hello!