

Menu Plan Monday - Bonnie - Edition 28


I will post Saturday and Sunday's recipes through the week.
Friday's Sloppy Joe's were great.
I made Beth's recipe.
I didn't use ketchup though because I didn't have enough.
I used half a can of tomato puree and added extra brown sugar.

Monday - tonight - we will be eating up the leftovers and having corn on the cob !
The rest of the week I'll be trying new recipes.
Tuesday - Lentil Soup with Chickpeas and Quinoa and Naan
Wednesday - Whole Slow Cooked Chicken with Rice and greens
Thursday - not entirely sure but something with udon noodles and the rest of the greens.

And for the baking ... I'm going to try these Quinoa Muffins !!

For more ideas on what to cook this week ... and into the coming weeks ... click on the button above.

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