

Equadorian Quinoa Vegetable Soup

(Click photo for link to recipe.)
OH MY GOODNESS! This soup is FANTASTIC! Just right for a cool crisp night! I added a few extra veggies such as leeks, carrots, celery...etc. (cleaning out the fridge.) I also doubled everything so that I could freeze some for a later time! You HAVE to try this soup! My husband said it would be really great with okra! He's on an okra kick...everything could benefit from a little okra in his opinion! ha! I will add it next time!


  1. I'm so glad you liked this ! We all loved it too !! I am going to double the recipe next time too ... And adding more veggies ... great idea !! Love your photo !!

  2. Can you give me hints on buying quinoa? I've never bought it and can't say for sure that I know what it is :) Thanks!
    I really want to try this:)

  3. I bought some at Trader Joe's today. Quinoa, pronouncesd "keen-wah"

  4. oh good, I'm glad you found it ... and before any of us gave you hints !

    Can't wait to see what you think !

  5. I buy quinoa in the bulk section at Wild Oats Market. Did you know it's one of the highest protein containing grains there is? (aside from being oh-so yummy!)

  6. I did know that Mom ... and it is a complete protein. Don't know exactly what that means, but I keep reading it and I know it's good ! ha ha

    Have you tried this soup yet ?

  7. Beautiful photo! Is that a sprig of cilantro on top of the soup? I love cilantro!

  8. Yes, a sprig of cilantro...I added chopped fresh cilantro to the soup after removing it from the heat. The cilantro and the lime juice together really make this the most delicious flavor! :)


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