

Rory's Salmon


This salmon recipe is one that my husband invented and I made him write down !

Normally, he just cooks something and then forgets what he did so we NEVER eat it again.

Grrrr !!

Here's how you make it:

In a bowl or tupperware or whatever

~ mix soy sauce, lemon juice, horseradish, wasabi, ginger and garlic ~

to taste.

Put the salmon (with skin on is best !) in the bowl or tupperware or whatever.

Spoon a bunch of the mixture on top.

Let it set 'til you are ready to BBQ it.

Then ... well, yeah, BBQ it.


Here's what it looked like all cooked.

I'll post the veggie skewer recipe later and the onion one ... well, it didn't cook properly.

We wrapped it back up in it's tin foil and are going to try it a different way tonight.

Will let you know the results !

1 comment:

  1. A friend of mine found this recipe again and remembered liking it, so decided to try it out again. It was a HUGE hit...even with her kids (ages 6, 4, and 1)! Thanks to Rory for inventing such a yummy recipe!


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