

Menu Plan Monday - Bonnie - Edition 15

This week has been crazy. We had Rory's sister Gina and her husband Eddie here Thurs-Sun. And then Wed. we have 5 people coming to stay til Sat. and then Thurs. we have 3 more joining them. Also staying til Sat. CRAZY !!!! Plus, Alia was sick all weekend and now Rory has had the day off of work with the same thing !! Sheesh ! Needless to say, meals this week aren't what they usually are around here !!

Friday :
Pizza and Movie Night

Saturday :
Bonnie's Creamy Asparagus Pasta
Beer Bread

Sunday :
Tuna Mac

Monday :
Tasty Toasted Treats
I tried to post this recipe but blogger won't upload the photos properly. Will try again tomorrow.

Tuesday :
Crock Pot Pot Roast
Will post recipe after I take a couple photos. I've made this before and it's delish !

Wednesday :
5 bazillion visitors arrive.
I'm ordering pizza !!!

Thursday :
Haven't decided 100% what to make yet !

Make sure you head over to for more great menu plans !!

1 comment:

  1. YUM.....and LOL at your wednesday ordering pizza for the bazillion arriving.


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