

Blogs of Interest ...

I thought it was about time I share with you some of the new cooking/recipe blogs I've discovered lately. Ready ?

Chick In the Kitchen
First of all, what a cool name !! I love it ! Chick in the kitchen. Why didn't I think of that !? ha ha !! Second of all, the recipes ... they look sooooooooooooooooooo good !! I think the one Dara ( she's the chick ... you know, the one in the kitchen !) posted the other day ... the one you can see in the picture ... the slow cooker meatballs ... I think that one is going to be on my menu this week !!

Genesis of a Cook
Again, with the name ! I love it. I haven't been reading this one for very long but from what I've seen so far, this is mostly sweet recipes. Desserts. Ice Creams. YUMMY YUMMY STUFF ! Banana Pina Colada Muffins, I mean, come on, how good does that sound !?! Hello ! I just discovered that Tarah, the girl who writes this blog is STILL IN HIGHSCHOOL !! Wow ! Read her about me section ! You'll be amazed !

The Picky Palate
Uh, yeah, I've told you about this one before. I'm telling you about it again. Jenny, the author, posts the best recipes !! Seriously, EVERYTHING on her blog looks good !! Starting at the very top with the kitchen, that is not hers, but wouldn't we all love to have a kitchen like that !?! I know I already used the word seriously, and only just a minute ago, but SERIOUSLY, you need to read this blog ! I've put her little linking button on the side bar ... for quick and easy access !!

I'm pretty sure I found out about some of these other blogs I'm telling you about from links from Jenny's site !!

The Sisters' Cafe
I just think this is the cutest recipe blog ! I must have a thing for names because you guessed it ... I love this one ! The name of a blog can make it or break it for me ! If it has a cool name, I'll at least have a look !! I love the idea of this blog too. Sisters ... And they've done a tribute to their Mom in the side bar ! Love that.

Toni, The Happy Housewife is doing something really cool for the next 31 days. Actually, it's not just her. It's also Kate at A Simple Walk and Joy at Five J's. I'm so interested in this !! Here's what Toni says about their 3 Moms ~ 3 Kitchens ~ 31 days project.

"For the next thirty-one days you are invited into my kitchen. I will show you all of my menu planning, shopping trips, meals, and even some favorite recipes."

How cool does that sound ?? Very cool, to me !!! I've added Kate and Joy's sites to my google reader so that I can watch what goes on in these three kitchens for the next 31 days !!

So ... there you go. Lots to look at and discover. I should probably go tell them all that I've posted about them here ... I don't think I've even commented on most of their blogs yet. Mostly, I just read the recipes, look at the pictures and try not to let the drool drip onto my keyboard !!


  1. Hi Bonnie, thank you so much for visiting. I'm so glad you're intrigued by this idea. All 3 of us are really looking forward to it. It will be a fun month!

  2. Bonnie,

    Thanks for your kind comments about our blogs. We're all really looking forward to this next month. I think it's going to be a great experience for all of us. Keep stopping by...and keep commenting. We'd love to here from you more often!


  3. Hi Bonnie,
    Thanks so much for spotlighting my blog and for all of your kind comments. It's nice people like you who motivate me to continue cooking and blogging!

    I will look forward to visiting here often. Thanks again!!

  4. Hi Bonnie.
    Thanks so much. I'm very flattered that you liked my blog enough to include it on this post. I'm grateful that there are people out there that enjoy my blog. :]


  5. Bonnie, thanks so much for the mention! I am a big fan of your kung pao chicken -- thank you for that wonderful recipe. : )

  6. Hi Bonnie! Thanks so much for the highlight of our blog, Sisters' Cafe. It's so fun to hear that people like it! We'll definitely be checking out your blog often. Thanks again!

  7. Thanks for the link love, I have read your other blog, but I excited to read over this one and all the other great looking blogs you mentioned! So much for going to bed early tonight!

  8. Bonnie,
    Thought you might like a comment from Cancun, Mexico. Actually, we are about 75 kilometers south of Cancun on the Mayan Riviera in the state of Quintana Roo. Loving this resort, but I had to get on the Internet at least once. We should have some snazzy pictures to post on my blog later (or if we follow past patterns, I´ll just have some postcards to scan)! Love, Dad for both of us

  9. Wow--thank your for the sweet comments aoubt our blog! We are new at this but having fun! Your blog is very cool--I look forward to stopping by often! Have a great day!

  10. Wow:
    Everything looks yummy! Thanks for posting other great cookign blogs. I'll be back!

  11. Thanks for the heads up on some good food blogs. :)

  12. Some of those blogs I read regularly, but a couple of them are new to me - I really need to check them out!!

  13. I love finding new blogs to read, thanks for posting!


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