

Menu Plan Monday - Bonnie - Edition 9


I know, I know, it's a pretty boring menu this week !! But ... I've managed to keep my grocery budget under $150 this week ! My goal was $100 but considering I normally spend $270 a week, I'm happy with under $150 !!! Since it's such a lame-o menu, I decided to give you a little tip.
If you are in the States, or are not really into good olives, this probably won't matter to you. In the States, I'd buy these and be done with it.

But here, the best black olives are these ... and they don't often sell them pitted in my Woolies. So ... I either have to buy yucky pitted olives or pit these myself !! I used to try and cut the seeds out ... took forever and was a PAIN !!! But then I learned how to do it this way ... can't even remember where I learned it now.

So ... you need a big knife. Push the flat bit of it on the olives. Oh wait, you can't really see it all that great in this photo ... let me show you another one !

There, that's a better angle. (It's hard to take photos of yourself !!) Now, push down on the olive. The seed will stop you once you've reached it.

The olive will now have split and you can just pull the seed out of the middle.

Yep, it's that easy.
Hope you all have a great week. I hope to post a few recipes soon. Oh, last week, we had Khrista's lemon spaghetti ... delicious !! You've got to try it ! The vegetarian lasagna wasn't the best. I'll do it again though because I think I know what the problem was. AND then, I'll post it ...


  1. I can't find decent olives in The Netherlands either! They're all tough and blegh! I'll have to try some with the pits still in and see if they're any better. Thanks for the tip =D

  2. I learned this recently too! Just did it Sat. for our "Stree-Free Past." So easy!
    Your title says "Edition 8" when it's actually 9 I believe! You got me all confused! :o)
    I'm off to post my menu!


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