

Frutto della Passione

During the Ultimate Blog Party, I met Joanne. She visited me over at Simple Beauty. I had to go over and say hello back and I looooooved what I found at Frutto della Passione !! You can read all about her in her THIS IS ME section but I'll give you an intro ... she's a Canadian living in Italy who loves to cook ! (and eat, I dare say !)

Anyhoo ... todays post cracked me up ! You've got to go read it !! It's called Enough is Enough.

Go !
Now !
Read !


  1. I am blushing to the roots of my highlighted hair! Thanks for the praise. Who knows, maybe I'll get the chance to cook for you someday!

  2. I'll have to go take a look at her blog, thanks for the info Bonnie :)


Thanks for saying hello!