

French Bread

I really wanted to title this : Slice of Heaven & if I can make it anyone can!
(Don't laugh at my picture - my loaves loook a little . . . . . well, not perfect

Last week when I was sick I received a bit of this bread made by my mother-in-law. It was just like eating a slice of Heaven!!! I hesitated to try this recipe because I have not been very successful at home made bread despite my many attempts. But this turned out great and I'm again enjoying a slice of Heaven!

Recipe as follows ~

Dissolve in a small bowl:
2 T yeast
½ cup warm water
½ tsp sugar

In large bowl combine: (I used my bread mixer)
2 cups hot water
3 T sugar
1 T salt
½ cup oil

Add to the mixture in the mixer bowl 3 cups of flour and mix well. Stir in yeast mixture (note: my yeast mixture didn't completely dissolve so before I added it I stirred it until it was mixed well). Add 2-3 cups more flour (I needed 3) and mix until well blended. (At this point my dough still seemed a little sticky but not sticking to the edge of the bowl as it was being mixed). Leave in mixer and let rise for 1 hour mixing a few strokes every ten minutes. Divide dough into 2 or 3 pieces. Roll each out on a flour surface into the length desired then roll up length wise like a jelly roll. Put on greased cookie sheet sealed side down. Slash the top diagonally across the top with a knife. Brush with egg white. Let rise 30 more minutes. Bake at 400 degrees for 25-30 minutes. (Note: to help the dough not stick to my hands I spray a little pan spray on my hands and rub it around - works like a charm!)

MMM!! Good luck :)


  1. Your loaf looks beautiful! I LOVE fresh french bread!
    My attempts at making homemade bread have been frustrating.
    I just recently found a recipe for 1/2 whole wheat bread that my whole family LOVES. Even my picky six year old! I'll have to post it soon!

  2. I just printed this recipe off-
    I was looking yesterday at a french bread recipe and wanted to make one. then I saw that you said that any one can make this. I'm giong to try.

  3. What do you do if you don't have a bread machine? This recipe looks delicious!!


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