

Menu Plan Monday - Bonnie - Edition 4

I can't believe that it is Monday already !! The week has flown !! I did pretty well with cooking the meals I planned for last week ! ( I love it when I have a week like that !) There was only one meal that didn't get cooked and we had it tonight !!

What's on the menu this week ? Well ... we were away for part of the weekend so ate out. Rory and I found a great Japanese Restaurant near the Uni in St. Lucia. Any of you Brisbane folks want to check it out ... it's called Edamame.

The kids requested sushi for lunch today.
I plan on posting a little sushi making tutorial ( I'm not a professional so don't get too excited !!) later in the week.

Make sure you check back !

Tonight's dinner Tasty Lentil Tacos was delicious. I just finished posting the recipe ... check it out !!!

Tomorrow night we will probably have Fried Rice, with the remainder of the week consisting of various stir fry dishes.

Not the most exciting week ... not trying anything new. BUT ... next week ! Look out. The stuff in the fridge/pantry will be gone and I'll be looking for new ideas ! I'll be stopping by a bunch of the other Menu Plan Monday participants sites to see what everyone else has on this week !! What'd you say ? You want to check them out too ? Click here ...

1 comment:

  1. Tasty food as always. I actually put a link back to your Spinach and Pumpkin Dahl on my site this week. We had it for dinner tonight and it was a hit with the kids. Thanks for the recipe.


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