

Soothing Your Borborygmi ...

Who knew that cinnamon is good for relieving diarrhea, cayenne pepper is good for indigestion, and fennel good for, ahem ... gas. Check out "14 Tummy Soothing Herbs" . You can thank my Mom for this tidbit of helpful information !!

PS - Don't know what Borborygmi is ? Check it out here ....


  1. Borborygmy is one of those great words we learned from James Herriot (actually Mom learned it from James Herriot and passed it on to me). His stories are very earthy, and because of our family's penchant to talk about intestinal and gastric phenomena (especially when we all get together and sit around the table and enjoy a gastronomic delight), borborygmy is one of those words that has become a part of our quotidian argot (wow, I've never been able to juxtapose those two words anteriorly—i.e. before).

    Just havin' fun with words. Love, Dad

  2. I tried to click on the "14 tummy soothing herbs" and it says it couldn't find it. Is it still there?

  3. To " A stone Gatherer" ...

    I have fixed the link. Looks like they are re-doing the website but I was able to search and find the new address ! I tried to leave a comment on your blog but it is not listed on your profile so I couldn't find you ! Hopefully you will come back ! If so, leave me your blog address ... I'd love to stop by and visit !


Thanks for saying hello!