

Granola a la Shay and Bonnie

This recipe was originally given to me by Shay. I've made a few changes ...

In a big bowl, mix 1/3 cup cold pressed canola oil, 1/3 maple syrup, honey or both and 1 tsp vanilla. Mix well.
4 cups oats
1 cup nuts (I like whole cashews, slivered almonds and a few peanuts)
some seeds (I like sunflower, sesame and flaz)
½ cup shredded coconut
bit of psyllium husk or wheatgerm
Mix real well. Should not be too dry. Will goop together but not like cookie dough.
Spread onto baking sheet ( keep together … don’t spread too thin or it will burn )
180C bake.
Stir every 5 minutes. Watch closely, especially at the end or it will burn.
Should be crispy and toasted.
Add dried fruit. (I like almonds and raisins)
Optional … choc chips. (I never add these but Shay always does !!)

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